Many people do not like to talk about money, but, as you know, Jesus often spoke about money and giving. Money is one of the resources along with our time and talents that allow Christ Church to carry out its mission. We recognize that the church competes for the same dollars as other worthy non-profits, but the mission and activities of the church are unique.
Christ Church provides sanctuary and offers pastoral care in times of joy, times of sadness, and times of crisis. Christ Church provides a spiritual foundation for your faith journey with God through inspiring worship, music, and preaching. We offer an exciting Sunday School and youth program. Christ Church Reads the Bible and other forums give you an opportunity to go deeper in your faith. Fellowship opportunities such as the Guild, the Men’s Group, Women’s Retreat, Lunch with a Purpose, and our dinners and potlucks strengthen our parish family. Outreach programs such as a Meal & More and Cameron Celebration Suppers give you an opportunity to bring God’s love to those in need.
We know that some of you have circumstances where you cannot pledge as much as you would like, and we are sensitive to your situation...but if you can give more, please consider increasing your pledge for the coming year to build up Christ Church.
Help us plan for the needs of the Church in the year ahead with of pledge of your support.