It is a privilege and an honor for Christ Church Pittsford to walk with people on the journey of life.
From the celebration of a baby’s birth to the celebration of a life well-lived, we seek to be a source of spiritual guidance,
support, and celebration for you and your family.
Holy Baptism is the initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. In the Episcopal Church, Baptism is the entry rite into the Christian life. Baptism is the only requirement for joining in the Holy Eucharist and all other ministries of the Church. Each candidate for Holy Baptism is sponsored by one or more baptized persons. The sacrament usually takes place during the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service.
To be baptized:
Call the Rector, Ron Young, to request a baptism.
Attend a Baptism walk-through before the service.
In the Christian faith, marriage is the covenant between two people entered into before God in the Church. It is a lifelong commitment by two people to love, honor and cherish one another in faithfulness and true godliness.
To be married in Christ Church:
At least one person must be a baptized Christian.
Contact the Church and speak to one of the clergy at least six months in advance.
Attend premarital counseling with a member of the clergy. This is a prerequisite for marriage in the Episcopal Church. The Bishop’s written permission is required if a person has been previously married and divorced.
At the Bishop of Rochester visitation each spring we celebrate Confirmation, the sacramental rite in which an individual expresses a mature commitment to Christ. Our Confirmation Class is open to teens in 8th grade or high school. Confirmation or Reception is also available for adults who want to make a formal commitment to the Episcopal Church.
As Christians, we live in the hope and reality that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ, nothing in life, nothing in death. Still, one of the hardest things we face in this life is the death of a loved one. Christ Church clergy and staff offer their caring support and expertise during this difficult time, guiding service planning to help celebrate your loved one’s life, and walking with you through the experience of grief and loss. Please contact the parish office at 585-586-1226 before finalizing arrangements.