What should I expect at my first visit?
Worship in the Episcopal Church is “liturgical,” meaning that the congregation follows service forms and prays from texts that don’t change greatly from week to week during a season of the year. The first-time visitor may find the worship service to be familiar or confusing. We use a comprehensive bulletin that includes the responses, prayers, and readings to help one follow and participate in the worship. Service Music and Hymns are found in the dark blue hymnal in each pew.
We have two services on Sunday. The 8:00 am service is a celebration of the Holy Communion (also known as the Mass, Holy Eucharistic or the Lord’s Supper). This service uses traditional language (e.g., thee and thou), is intimate (40-75 people), and has one hymn at the end of the service. The 10:00 am service is also a celebration of the Holy Communion in contemporary language. The Christ Church Choir sings at this service during the program year and there are 4 to 5 hymns. We provide professional nursery care in the lower level for children from birth through age two. Sunday School meets during the 10:00 am service, visitors are welcome to attend Sunday School or to attend church with their parents. Ushers and greeters can help you find the nursery, the Sunday school classrooms, or any other needs.
Please know that all, including children, are welcome to receive Holy Communion, for it is God’s table, not our table. If you do not wish to receive communion, you may come forward for a blessing by a priest by crossing your arms over your chest. After the service, you are invited to enjoy light refreshments in the Fellowship Room.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be an Episcopalian to come to Christ Church?
No. You do not even need to be a Christian to come to Christ Church. Many people come from other Christian traditions, others are seekers, and some are even skeptics. We will meet you wherever you are on your faith journey.
Is Christ Church accessible?
Christ Church is a historic building dating to 1868, but we have committed that all parts of our building are accessible. On Sundays and for events, we have four handicapped parking spaces on the Locust Street side of the church. There is an elevator to reach the main level or the lower level. In addition, for those with limited hearing, our services are t-coil enabled.
Do I need to dress up to attend church?
No. Some people are more formal in their dress, others are very casual. What matters to us is that you are present.
Do I need to contribute if I attend a service?
Visitors and guests are not expected to contribute to the ministry of Christ Church.