After each service in the Fellowship Room
Come find out about the programs we support
Meet representatives from some of the programs
MISSION: Serving others (being Christ’s heart and hands in the world) is fundamental to our identity as Christians. Through our Outreach Ministry, we at Christ Church, both adults and youth, actively serve Christ by giving our time, talents and financial support to those in need in the community of greater Rochester.
FOCUS: Feeding ministries, supporting needy and vulnerable children and promoting housing as a human right.
CAMERON COMMUNITY* An Urban Outreach Center in the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood of Rochester, NY., delivers basic needs and emergency services to help individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency. This includes two K-6 afterschool programs, a Teen Center, lunch served 5-6 days a week, a Clothing Boutique, Cameron Cuts, a barbershop apprenticeship program offering free haircuts, a community garden and regular street outreach programs. Parish Ambassador: Pat Morrow www.cameroncommunity.org
PITTSFORD FOOD CUPBOARD* A client choice food cupboard serving Pittsford and surrounding towns and villages. It is supported by area churches, Pittsford Rotary, other community organizations and individual donations. Food donations are collected by Pittsford Rotary on the first Saturday of each month at Pittsford Sutherland HS bus loop. Parish Ambassador: Michele Shipley www.pittsfordfoodcupboard.net
A MEAL AND MORE* A community kitchen in Rochester which serves a free hot noon meal every Sunday and Wednesday throughout the year. The program has a small paid staff and depends on volunteers to function. Christ Church volunteers on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Parish Ambassador: Linda Baroody www.amealanddmore.org
FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER ROCHESTER (formerly RAIHN)* Supports families (including children) who experience, or are in danger of experiencing, homelessness. Their programs include eviction prevention, diversion, shelter, stabilization, case management, and transitional housing. Parish Ambassador: MaryEllen Stockham www.fpgroc.org
ELDERBERRY EXPRESS* Provides free rides to Town of Pittsford seniors, aged 55 and over, for necessary appointments and grocery trips. Volunteers drive the Elderberry Express car or their own car. Parish Ambassador: John Shaw. www.townofpittsford.org/elderberry-express
ST. MARK’S AND ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOOD SHELF AND GARDENS OF E.D.E.N.* Located in Rochester’s Beechwood neighborhood, provides an in-house food shelf that serves the residents of the neighborhood and maintains six neighborhood gardens that provide fruits and vegetables for the community. Parish Ambassador: Deb Lattime www.stmarksandstjohns.org
REACH ADVOCACY* A community minded organization seeking safe supportive housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness in the Rochester, NY, region. Its threefold mission includes a continuum of sheltering options, a tiny home village in the Edgerton Community, and advocacy for more equitable housing policies and practices. Parish Ambassador: Deb Lattime www.reachadvocacy.org
CROSSROADS OF CARING* A center for spiritual care formation and education serving the Greater Rochester community by offering programs in education and collegial support to spiritual caregivers. Parish participant: Mary Ann Chiella www.crossroadsofcaring.org
RCSD DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. SCHOOL #9 The largest bi-lingual elementary school in the Rochester City School District. It is the location of the former diocesan tutoring program, Adopt-A Classroom, that we participated in. Donations: Filled pencils pouch homework kits for all first grade students, school supplies and uniforms, and healthy snacks for students the Principal identifies as in need over school breaks. Parish contact: Laura Despard www.rcsdk12.org
FOSTERING HOPE* Provides a a backpack filled with a stuffed animal, toiletries, books, journals, coloring books and writing utensils for every child entering foster care in Monroe County, Hillside Family of Agencies and the Crisis Nursery. Parish contact: Kim Schaff Donation: stuffed animals
STARLIGHT PEDIATRICS* Promotes the well-being of children in Monroe County’s foster care system by partnering with Parents and caregivers to build health, resilience and hope. It is part of Monroe County Department of Health Parish Contact: Jean Mack Fogg Donation: backpacks, Angel Tree requests CASA - (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Recruits, trains, and supports community volunteers who advocate on behalf of children whose parent(s) or guardian(s) are in Monroe County Family Court as a result of neglecting and/or abusing their children. Donation: Angel Tree requests www.casarochester.org
BABY LOVE A program of Strong Health Social Work, Baby Love has provided home visits to reduce infant mortality, premature girths, low birth weight and foster care placement of at-risk newborns in impoverished city neighborhoods. Social Workers paired with outreach workers provide an array of services in the context of a supportive relationship to help these pregnant women/teens access and utilize health and social services and reduce risks. Donation: Angel Tree requests www.urmc.rochester.edu
VETERANS OUTREACH CENTER Provides high-quality, individualized services to the men and women who served our country. Donation: Socks www.veteransoutreachcenter.org
* Agencies represented at the fair